04.11.2007MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Images of Comet Holmes  inserted
22.04.2007Prominence of April, 21st, 09:55T : image inserted
20.02.200725inch Telescope Project page: Image of Worm wheel and worm inserted
21.11.2004Prominence of November, 21st, 11:07UT : image inserted
09.09.2004Prominence of September, 09th 2004, 10:23UT and Prominence of September, 09th 2004, 12:57UT: image inserted
05.09.2004Prominence of September, 05th 2004, 10:20UT : image inserted
23.08.2004Prominence of August, 23rd 2004, 13:47UT : image inserted
19.08.2004Prominence of August, 19th 2004, 12:42UT : image inserted
14.08.2004Prominence of July, 31st 2004, 09:26UT ; comparision in size with earth : image inserted
09.08.2004Prominence of August, 8th 2004, 10:12UT : image inserted
01.08.2004Prominence of July, 31st 2004, 09:26UT, Prominence of July, 31st 2004, 10:03UT, and Prominence of August, 1st 2004, 09:53UT: images inserted
18.07.2004Prominence of July, 18th 2004, 09:28UT : image inserted
02.07.2004Prominence of June, 9th 2004, 13:11UT : image inserted
20.06.2004Venustransit page: Another image of Venus in front of the granules inserted
17.06.2004Venustransit page: Venus egress time-lapse DivX-movie (1.5 Mb) inserted
12.06.2004Venustransit page: Venus in front of the granules
10.06.2004Venustransit page: Single frame image inserted
09.06.2004Special Venustransit page inserted
08.06.2004Prominence of June, 8th 2004, 05:03UT and Prominence of June, 8th 2004, 05:17UT: images inserted
07.06.2004Prominence of June, 7th 2004, 09:44UT : image inserted
21.05.2004Prominence of May, 20th 2004, 09:09UT : image inserted
04.05.2004Prominence of April, 16th 2004, 09:56UT : image inserted
18.04.2004Prominence of April, 18th 2004, 13:02UT : image inserted
18.04.2004Prominence of April, 17th 2004, 10:35UT : image inserted
16.04.2004Prominence of April, 16th 2004, 12:36UT : image inserted
16.04.2004Prominence of April, 16th 2004, 09:42UT : image inserted
14.04.2004Prominence of April, 14th 2004, 15:41UT : image inserted
05.02.2004Prominence of February, 5th 2004, 12:02UT : image inserted
25.08.2003Planet images with the camcorder (see Button "LINKS"):   Saturn on January, 24th 2004, 00:00UT : image inserted
30.11.2003MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Image of NGC650-M76 inserted
09.11.2003Planet images page: Quickmotion movie of the Total lunar eclipse of November, 9th 2003 (about 1.8 MB, Divix) inserted
28.09.2003Prominence of September, 27th 2003, 14:15UT : image inserted
22.09.2003Prominence of September, 21st 2003, 10:21UT and Prominence of September, 21st 2003, 10:27UT: images inserted
22.09.2003Prominence of September, 20th 2003, 12:57UT and Prominence of September, 20th 2003, 13:03UT: images inserted
02.09.2003Prominence of August, 23rd 2003, 10:35UT : image inserted
30.08.2003Prominence of August, 26th 2003, 10:07UT : image inserted
25.08.2003Mars on August, 24th 2003, about 00:33UT : image inserted
22.08.2003Prominence of August, 22nd 2003, 10:29UT : image inserted
16.08.2003Mars on August, 16th 2003, about 01:08UT : image inserted
10.08.2003Mars on August, 10th 2003, about 02:26UT : image inserted
02.08.2003Mars on August, 02nd 2003, about 02:54UT : image inserted
28.07.2003Mars on July, 19th 2003, about 02:06UT : image inserted
20.07.2003Prominence of July, 20th 2003, 09:56UT : image inserted
20.07.2003Prominence of July, 19th 2003, 09:51UT : image inserted
28.06.2003Prominence of June, 28th 2003, 13:15UT : image inserted
22.06.2003Eruptive prominence of June, 15th 2003 : more images inserted
20.06.2003Eruptive prominence of June, 15th 2003 : more images inserted
15.06.2003Prominence of June, 15th 2003, 14:20UT : image inserted (incl. quick-motion-movie!)
15.06.2003Prominence of June, 14th 2003, 13:15UT : image inserted
14.06.2003Loop prominence of June, 14th 2003, 09:45UT : image inserted
08.06.2003Prominence of June, 8th 2003, 14:00UT : image inserted
01.06.2003Prominence of June, 1st 2003, 09:45UT & 09:59UT : image inserted
31.05.2003New page "Partial solar eclipse of May 31st, 2003" inserted on the link page
11.05.2003Planet images page: More pictures of the Mercury transit inserted
11.05.2003Planet images page: Quick-motion movie of the Mercury transit of May, 10th 2003 (3rd and 4th contact) inserted [MPEG, 1.2 MB]
10.05.2003Planet images page: Quick-motion movie of the Mercury transit of May, 10th 2003 (3rd and 4th contact) inserted   [DIVX, 1 MB]
08.05.2003New page "Planet images with the camcorder" inserted
08.05.2003Prominence of May, 7th 2003, 06:08UT: image inserted
05.05.2003MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Images of NGC3242  and NGC4594-M104  inserted
27.04.2003Prominence of April, 24th 2003, 05:57UT: image inserted
26.04.2003Prominence of April, 24th 2003, 06:08UT: image inserted
24.03.2003MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Images of NGC1982-M43  and NGC2964&2968  inserted
24.01.2003MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Images of NGC1976-M42  and NGC2437-M46  inserted
02.02.2003Page PROMINENCE VIEWER  redesigned
24.01.2003MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Image of NGC5194-M51 inserted
02.01.2003MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Image of NGC7048 inserted
03.01.2003MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Image of NGC6618-M17  and NGC6853-M27  exchanged
06.10.2002MINTRON DEEP SKY page: DIVIX-Video of 2002NY40  (5.9 MB) inserted
27.09.2002MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Image of NGC6905 inserted
14.09.2002MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Image of NGC7331 inserted
01.09.2002MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Image of Uranus with moons inserted
01.09.2002MINTRON DEEP SKY page: Image of NGC7662 exchanged
26.08.2002Sunspot of August, 15th 2002, 16.01UT: image inserted
25.08.2002Prominence of August, 25th 2002, 10.00UT: image inserted
20.08.2002MINTRON DEEP SKY page inserted including the observation of asteroid 2002NY40 (click on the button "LINKS")
21.07.2002Prominence of July, 20th 2002, 13.57UT: image inserted
21.07.2002Prominence of June, 30th 2002, 12.00UT: image inserted
09.05.2002Prominence of May, 9th 2002, 09.22UT: image inserted
27.04.2002Prominence of April, 26th 2002, 09.02UT: image inserted
10.04.2002Prominence of April, 8th 2002, 12.48UT: image inserted
10.04.2002Prominences of April, 6th and 9th 2002: images inserted
06.04.2002Prominence of April, 4th 2002, 10.39UT: image exchanged to 10.28UT
04.04.2002Latest images inserted
17.03.2002Prominence of March, 17th 2002, about 11.54UT: Image inserted
12.03.2002Prominence of March, 11th 2002, 12.50UT: Image inserted
11.03.2002Prominence of March, 11th 2002, 12.40UT: Image inserted
04.03.2002Prominence of March, 4th 2002, 11.01UT: Image inserted
04.03.2002Prominence of February, 02nd 2002, 11.09UT: Image exchanged
04.03.2002Prominence of January, 30th 2002, 11.20UT: Image exchanged
03.03.2002Prominence of May, 24th 2001, 09.31UT: Image exchanged
02.03.2002Prominence of July, 25th 2001, 13.52UT: Image exchanged
01.03.2002Prominence of July, 22th 2001, 13.02UT: Image exchanged
01.03.2002Prominence of July, 23th 2001, 09.44UT: Image exchanged